Five Ways to Earn More as an Educator
When you are an independent childbirth educator, you are essentially running your own small business. It can take time and hard work to get your business off the ground and earn a steady income, but your efforts will pay off and we can't think of a more rewarding field to be in.
1. Add Value
Don't make money your object; instead decide how you can best help others and then go above and beyond what is expected to give your students truly priceless gifts: knowledge and empowerment. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't charge a fair rate for your time, but rather than putting your focus on making money, put your focus on your clients. You will more easily earn referrals and grow your business by word-of-mouth if you are offering something of value to others.
2. Keep Learning
Grow your own knowledge about pregnancy and birth by reading books and websites on a regular basis and attend a birth-related conference at least once every two years. Buy childbirth books used, borrow them from other birth professionals or the library, or buy more affordable digital books. Look for reputable websites that offer information on a variety of topics, such as Evidence Based Birth
3. Look Professional

Dress in clean, well-fitting business casual clothes. Teaching is a job and you should look your best. Looking good also boosts your confidence and helps you seem more credible. Make sure the teaching resources you are using are high quality, rather than outdated or hand-made visual aids and handouts. When your class is well organized, and you have professional resources to give parents, they are more willing to pay you a higher fee because they will get more out of the class.
4. Plan Ahead and Be Consistent
Post your class schedule at least three months in advance. Parents who want to take a class often start looking in the second (or even the first) trimester. The earlier you schedule your classes, the more time parents have to find you and the more parents you will be able to attract. Be consistent about your class schedule, too. For example, offer a 4 week class every time with a set class outline. Choose a particular day(s) of the week and start the class at the same time each week. You can always adjust to better meet the needs of your clients, but don't be arbitrary or inconsistent. It may turn off potential clients.
5. Be Unique
Distinguish yourself from others in your area by offering a specialty class or unique perspective on birth. Offer fun and inexpensive workshops to help get your name out there and bring in potential students for your longer courses. For example, a one hour healthy pregnancy workshop, labor comfort measures workshop or a local birth options discussion may be appealing to parents in your area. Something new and different will also attract the attention of other birth professionals in your area and they may share them with their clients, bringing you a lot more exposure.
It is good to review these tips every few months. Pin the image above on Pinterest so you can keep this information at your fingertips. Let us know if these tips help! We would love to hear your comments or questions below.
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